This page accesses files of musical selections either entirely or partly composed by James I. Morgan.


The files may be of 2 formats:

  Coda Notation (.mus or .musx)

  Portable Document Format (.pdf)


The files are stored on a computer accessible by the Internet.


Each selection has a name and a sequential number.  Clicking on the number will access a .pdf file of the selection.  Clicking on the name will access a .mus or .musx file.  The file will be either read or saved depending upon what software is on the computer. To access either or both of the formats, particular software will be required on a computer or tablet.

The Coda Notation format (.mus) is used by the FINALE series of programs in the composition of the programs.  See for more information.  FINALE 2004, 2006d, 2009, and 2012 were used to create the .mus extension files. FINALE 2014 and V26 were used to create the .musx extension files.  FINALE has the capability of creating, editing, and printing the files and the ability to audio play them.  These files are located in the FINALE folder.

The free FINALE VIEWER program ((  available at the FINALE website  can read and play the .mus files. Also, the low cost NOTEPAD program available at the FINALE website may read and play the files. (Note: Conversions of the files may be necessary if the version on this disk is different that the version reading the file). The free FINALE SONGBOOK app available at  can be used to view .mus files on the iPad.

Other programs such as MELODY ASSISTANT from Myriad may also read files with the .mus extension.


Adobe’s Portable Document Format (.pdf) provides a copy of the music notation in a more accessible standardized format.  These may be read by Adobe’s Acrobat Reader and other programs.  It is available for free down load at

In addition to being able to read pdf files on the computer, the Reader can also print the files.  These files are located in the PDFx folder.


Also accessible by this page are files giving spreadsheets of the selections with additional data. An INDEX folder has spreadsheet files that give data such as reference number, year, and title.   One file is in order of sequential number.  Another file is in alphabetical order of title. PDF versions of these files are available as the spreadsheets files may not be readable by all spreadsheet programs.


Sub-folders approximate the year of composition with several sub-folders for some years.


Unless indicated otherwise, all material accessible by the page is copyrighted by James I. Morgan and is not to be used without permission. Most of the selections are still in a rough, in-process form.


These songs are dedicated to the memory of Cynthia Jane Morgan (1962-1969).  One of the songs is a refinement of a song she sang which she said she made up.  Most of the songs can be considered the songs she would have written had she lived.  In the collection are songs of faith, life, love, family, and fun.


Copyright © 2020 by James I. Morgan       989 631 1033